Lloyd's Capital Structure Overview slide image

Lloyd's Capital Structure Overview

LLOYD'S The impact from the Q3 hurricanes is spread across multiple syndicates and absorbed within capital held above the SCR Make-up of ECA for the market (including the 10 largest syndicates), showing the impact of HIM losses (£m) 1,400 18,000 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 16,000 -Original ECA HIM impact 14,000 12,000 10,000 8,000 6,000 4,000 2,000 Synd A Synd B Synd C Synd D Synd E Synd F Synd G Synd H Synd I Synd J All other syndicates -SCR SCR 35% uplift to calculate ECA Amount of ECA impacted by HIM losses Source: SCR/ECA analysis and large loss QMA return submissions, 30 September 2017. ECA: Economic capital assessment. SCR: Solvency capital requirement. HIM: Harvey, 25 Irma and Maria
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