Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities slide image

Rio de Janeiro GHG Emissions Inventory and Climate Change Mitigation Opportunities

Centro Clima CENTRO DE ESTUDOS INTEGRADOS SOBRE MEIO AMBIENTE E MUDANÇAS CLIMÁTICAS Investment Opportunities in Brazilian Cities Waste Management (3) ✔LFG power plant Total mitigation potential (2020 - 2050): Reference Scenario: 8.6 Mt CH Mitigation Scenario: 25.3 Mt CH 4 (not including avoided emissions in power generation that mostly comes from renewable energy sources) Power plant costs (revenues not included): 200t/day - Capex USD 0.9 million - Opex USD 1.8 million (20 year lifespan) - 1.0 MW 2000 t/day - Capex USD 7.2 million - Opex USD 18.2 million (20 year lifespan) - 8.0 MW
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