Investor Presentaiton
This document contains forward-looking statements in regard to forecasts, targets and plans of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. ("MUFG") and its
group companies (collectively, "the group"). These forward-looking statements are based on information currently available to the group and are
stated here on the basis of the outlook at the time that this document was produced. In addition, in producing these statements certain assumptions
(premises) have been utilized. These statements and assumptions (premises) are subjective and may prove to be incorrect and may not be realized in
the future. Underlying such circumstances are a large number of risks and uncertainties. Please see other disclosure and public filings made or will be
made by MUFG and the other companies comprising the group, including the latest kessantanshin, financial reports, Japanese securities reports,
Integrated reports and annual reports, for additional information regarding such risks and uncertainties. The group has no obligation or intent to
update any forward-looking statements contained in this document. In addition, information on companies and other entities outside the group that is
recorded in this document has been obtained from publicly available information and other sources. The accuracy and appropriateness of that
information has not been verified by the group and cannot be guaranteed. The financial information used in this document was prepared in accordance
with Japanese GAAP (which includes Japanese managerial accounting standards), unless otherwise stated. Japanese GAAP and U.S. GAAP, differ in
certain important respects. You should consult your own professional advisers for a more complete understanding of the differences between U.S.
GAAP and Japanese GAAP and the generally accepted accounting principles of other jurisdictions and how those differences might affect the financial
information contained in this document. This document is being released by MUFG outside of the United States and is not targeted at persons located
in the United States.
Definitions of figures used in this document
Consolidated :
Non-consolidated :
the Bank (consolidated) :
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (consolidated)
Simple sum of MUFG Bank (non-consolidated) and Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corporation (non-consolidated)
MUFG Bank (consolidated)
Digital Service
Retail & Commercial Banking
the Bank (BK):
the Trust Bank (TB):
the Securities HD (SCHD):
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group
Mitsubishi UFJ Trust & Banking Corporation
Mitsubishi UFJ Securities Holdings
Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities
Mitsubishi UFJ NICOS
Japanese Corporate & Investment Banking
Global Corporate & Investment Banking
Global Commercial Banking
Asset Management & Investor Services
Medium-Term Business Plan
Bank Danamon (BDI):
Bank Danamon Indonesia
First Sentier Investors
MUFG Americas Holdings Corporation
MUFG Union Bank
Bank of Ayudhya (Krungsri, KS)
All figures are on a managerial accounting basis.
Unless otherwise noted, foreign exchange rates are based on assumed rates determined for internal managerial accounting purposes.
Calculated based on Risk Assets (R&C, JCIB, GCIB and GCB) or economic capital (AM/IS and Global Markets)
Calculated based on net profits and excluding mid- to long-term foreign currency funding costs
The finalized Basel III reforms basis. Managerial accounting basis. (Estimated figure)
• ROE :
MUFG 48View entire presentation