Bank of Georgia Financial Overview slide image

Bank of Georgia Financial Overview

Funding structure is well-balanced Liability structure Well diversified international borrowings Other liabilities GEL Total Liabilities GEL 3,541 mln 163 mln, 4.6% Borrowings GEL 672 mln, 19.0% Other amounts due to credit institutions GEL 82 mln, 2.3% Promissory Notes, GEL 183 mln, 5.2% Client deposits, GEL 2,442 mln, 69.0% Borrowed funds maturity breakdown Subordinated loans callable in August 2012 US$ mln 250 5.0% 3.9% 200 4.0% 3.4% 150 3.0% 107 93 2.3% 100 1.8% 1.8% 64 72 35 1.6% 49 1.8% 2.0% 50 0.8% 50 1.0% 50 58 36 48 43 40 50 23 0 14 0.0% 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Senior Loans (principal) Promissory Notes Subordinated loans % to Total Assets** * Converted at US$/GEL exchange rate of 1.66 as of 31 March 2012 ** Total Assets as of 31 March 2012 BANK OF GEORGIA Other, GEL 95 mln, 14.1% IFIS, GEL 577 mln, 85.9% European Bank for Reconstruction and Development DEG KFW-GRUPPE IFC FMO Finance for Development OPIC ADB World Business Capital Financing Business Across Borders Amounts due to credit institutions The Bank has a well-balanced funding structure with 74% of total liabilities coming from customer funds and 16% from International Financial Institutions (IFIs) as of 31 March 2012 The Bank has also been able to secure favorable financing from reputable international commercial sources, as well as IFIs, such as EBRD, IFC, DEG, Asian Development Bank, etc. As of 31 December 2011, US$62.5 mln undrawn facilities from IFIS with five to six year maturities May 2012 Page 18
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