Kommuninvest Investor Presentation slide image

Kommuninvest Investor Presentation

Kommuninvest Investor presentation B SOCIAL BONDS Framework Kommuninvest i Sverige AB February 2021 Social Bonds . . 1) The first Social Sustainability Loans have been approved. The Loans shall finance investments that, individually or in combination with a social intervention, promote a socially sustainable society and can contribute to achieving social goals. Concept developed with members/clients. Loans are approved by an independent expert committee, similar to project selection process for Green Loans. Loans provided for two types of investments: Physical investments with an associated social intervention, where the physical investment is a suitable platform for work on social sustainability and where there is a clear link between the physical investment, the social intervention and the social objectives. 2) Physical investments where the physical investment itself qualifies as a social intervention. This applies in cases where research, pre-study and/or proven experience shows that the physical investment can in itself contribute to achieve the set social objectives. 35
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