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Tokyo Investor Day

1) 2) 3) BANK CHANNEL RELATIONSHIPS PROVIDE BROAD NATIONAL COVERAGE Established Distribution Relationships with all of Japan's Mega Banks and Major Trust Banks (7 Banks in Total) Prudential Distribution Partners(1)(2) Deposits, etc(3) (Trillion USD) Mega Bank(4) 4 $3.2 Major Trust 3 $1.5 Bank Regional bank, 67 $2.0 etc. Brokerage firm 1 $1.0 Total 75 $7.7 As of December 1, 2015. The number of banks/financial institutions in which Prudential products are offered. As of September 30, 2015. Based on data published by institutions. Translated at Japanese yen 106 per U.S. dollar. 4) Includes Resona Bank. Prudential Tokyo Investor Day 9.15.2016 4
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