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Investor Presentaiton

3G launch and OA's performance Ooredoo Algeria was the first to commercially launch 3G services in the country on December 13th 2013, but OA had already taken the lead through an aggressive data pre-emption strategy which started in August 2012 stretching to the limit the EDGE technology (2.5G) MI1 Revenue Shares evolution MBB2 Revenue Shares evolution 51% 49% 67% 62% 61% 61% 58% 77% 75% 81% 15% 19% 14% 37% 36% 46% 44% 37% 15% 16% 18% 19% 8% 11% 3% -2% 1% 6% -3% 6% Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Q1 2014 Q2 2014 Q3 2014 Q4 2014 Q1 2015 Est. Est. ■ Djezzy ■Mobilis ■ Ooredoo ■ Djezzy ■ Mobilis ■ Ooredoo Thanks to a very aggressive devices' subsidies strategy during 2014, OA has been able to speed up data adoption, actually creating the data market, while capturing the majority of the data active subscribers as well as the generated value. Outcome: OA still holds a 58% data revenue share after 5 quarters of commercial operation which represent 17% of overall OA's revenues when before 3G that figure was 6%. Notes: (1) MI="Mobile Internet"; (2) MBB="Mobile Broadband" ooredoo ՕՐ Ooredoo Capital Markets Day | 25 May 2015 6
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