Growth of WeBuyCars slide image

Growth of WeBuyCars

WeBuyCars Market Positioning (continued) USA Select Listed Players South Africa CARmax M we buy cars Europe CAZOO AutoTrader vroom Manheim by Cox Automotive Motus and CMH are not seen as directly comparable to WeBuyCars as they offer different products and services outside of sales of pre-owned vehicles. This includes new vehicles as well as rentals etc. AUTO 1 GROUP webuyanycar Selling Made Simple Peers No comparable listed equivalent in the South African market. No competitors buy and sell pre-owned vehicles at WeBuyCars' scale. Reliance No reliance on individual OEMs, vehicle brands or customers. Agnostic to imports or foreign currency volatility. Unique business model with no single directly comparable competitor Leveraging Operating leverage through the combination of the in- house artificial intelligence platform and ownership of supermarket properties. 6
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