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Investor Presentaiton

GROWTH ORIENTED REFORMS 50 EASE OF DOING BUSINESS | 2020 New Zealand Singapore 1 Source: WB-IFC Doing Business Report UK 7 ECONOMIC FREEDOM INDEX | 2020 Source: Heritage Foundation Denmark USA Georgia UK Norway Lithuania 6729 #1 in Europe and Central Asia Region Estonia Georgia Lithuania 10 12 16 USA Czech Rep. 17 23 Top 6 in Europe region out of 46 countries 11 Latvia 32 Estonia Latvia Germany Kazakhstan Russia Turkey Azerbaijan Poland Czech Rep. Armenia Ukraine 18 19 22 25 28 33 34 40 41 47 Russia 64 Ukraine Armenia Bulgaria Romania Kazakhstan Azerbaijan Poland Hungary France Turkey Italy 34 36 38 39 44 46 62 64 71 74 94 134 GLOBAL CORRUPTION BAROMETER | 2017 Source: Transparency International BUSINESS BRIBERY RISK | 2019 Germany Georgia 3% Norway 2 Sweden 4 7% Poland 7% % admitting having paid a bribe last year UK 6 Czech Rep. Slovakia Latvia Montenegro Bulgaria Turkey Lithuania Armenia Bosnia & Herz. Romania Kazakhstan Russia Ukraine Azerbaijan Moldova 9% Singapore 12% 15% 16% 17% 18% 24% 24% 27% 29% 29% 34% 38% 38% 42% Georgia is on a par with EU member states Lithuania Georgia Czech rep. Poland Latvia Armenia Bulgaria Azerbaijan Russia Ukraine Turkey Kazakhstan Uzbekistan Estonia USA France 341 Source: Trace International 40 42 74 77 79 110 122 123 126 181
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