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Taaleem Investor Presentation

Operational Indicators Number of Students Enrolled Students CAGR: 6.4% 8,000 6,913 7,000 6,273 6,137 5,398 5,577 6,000 5,000 1,760 916 1,868 1,276 1,292 4,000 3,000 2,000 4,122 4,285 4,513 5,221 5,045 1,000 AY 18/19 AY 19/20 AY 20/21 AY 21/22 AY 22/23 Existing New Intake Student-Teacher Ratio Number of Seats Student Capacity 14,000 12,000 12,350 11,035 11,350 10,000 7,685 8,000 6,500 6,000 4,000 2,000 83% 80% HHHH 60% 56% 54% AY 18/19 AY 19/20 AY 20/21 AY 21/22 AY 22/23 Capacity Utilization Rate 35 28.78 30 23.48 24.05 23.94 22.37 22.91 25 17.34 20 18.12 17.54 17.89 15 12.6 11.1 12.2 12.0 12.3 10 5 0 AY 18/19 AY 19/20 AY 20/21 AY 21/22 Taaleem STR Public Universities Average AY 22/23 Private Universities Average . Enrolled Students at NUB totaled 6,913 during the AY of 2022/23, exhibiting a YoY increase of 13% as the year saw the reversal of previous SCPU and MOHE decisions that hampered student body growth during the preceding academic year. Taaleem's Student Capacity for all faculties at NUB reached 12,350 students in the academic year of 2022/23, up from 11,350 students last year, reflecting the addition of the Faculty of Arts to NUB. NUB's Student-Teacher Ratio stood at 12.3x in the academic year of 2022/23, compared to 12.0x in the previous year, significantly lower than public and private university averages. Taaleem | Investor Presentation 28
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