Working Toward the Mobility Society of the Future
Message from
the President
The Source of Our
Value Creation:
What Makes Us Toyota
Value Creation Story:
Working toward the Mobility
Society of the Future
Business Foundations
Corporate Data
for Value Creation
>Message from the CSO > Roundtable Discussion with the Outside Directors > Dialogue with Institutional Investors on Corporate Governance > Corporate Governance
Message from the CFO > Capital Strategy > The Environment > Vehicle Safety > Quality and Information Security > Intellectual Property and Privacy > Value Chain Collaboration
>Human Rights Diversity and Inclusion >Human Resource Development >Health and Safety and Social Contribution Activities Risk Management and Compliance
Diversity and Inclusion
Fundamental Approach
Toyota is working to transform from an automotive
company into a mobility company by promoting
continuous innovation in existing areas and taking
on new frontiers. To this end, we aim to ensure
that employees with diverse skills and values can
demonstrate their abilities to the fullest.
Toyota does not tolerate any form of discrimina-
tion, including that based on gender, age, nation-
ality, race, ethnicity, creed, religion, sexual
orientation, gender identity, disability, marital sta-
tus, or the presence of children. We respect
diverse lifestyles and workstyles and provide
opportunities for all employees to thrive according
to their ambitions and abilities. We also strive to
create open, harassment-free workplaces.
Women's Participation in the Workplace
Although we have consistently striven to promote
the professional participation and advancement of
women globally, we recognize that gender diversi-
ty remains an issue, particularly at Toyota Motor
Corporation in Japan, and we are implementing
initiatives that include the following.
2002: Launch of initiatives centered on expand-
ing and establishing measures to support women
who are trying to balance work and childcare
• From 2012: Focusing on initiatives for creating
work environments that motivate and inspire
women and on supporting their participation
(especially the development of female managers).
•From 2021: Unconscious bias training for all
internal management and supervisors
•From 2022: Reinforcing diversity training (basic
courses and management courses)
Initiatives to Empower Persons with Disabilities
We provide various work opportunities in a variety
of workplaces to persons with disabilities based
on the concept of a harmonious society in which
all persons, with or without disabilities, work and
live together.
For example, to help enable such individuals to
utilize their abilities, we have set up a consultation
hotline that ensures privacy and introduced a spe-
cial holiday system that can be used by employ-
ees to receive medical care. To ensure that people
Promotion of Female Employee Participation: Our Challenge and Course of Action (Toyota Motor Corporation)
Our Challenge The ratio of women in managerial positions is low
Increase the number of women in managerial positions in 2014 fourfold by 2025 and fivefold by 2030
Our Course
of Action
System Development
Employee Development
Maintain certain hiring rates for female graduates (40% or above for
administrative positions and 10% or above for engineering posi-
tions) and the active hiring of women throughout the year
Create a system for reporting on the progress of female talent
development in each department and in-house company to the
Members of the Board of Directors
Develop and implement plans for individual employee development
and utilize a mentoring system
Host a global women's conference and symposiums for managerial
class and female promotion candidates
with disabilities are given fair opportunities, we
dispatch sign language interpreters, provide a
variety of support tools, and make workplace
improvements as needed.
(Toyota Motor Corporation's rate of employment
of people with disabilities, including those serving
at a special-purpose subsidiary, is 2.50% as of
June 2022.)
Special-purpose Subsidiary Toyota Loops
Toyota Loops Corporation began operation with
employees with disabilities in April 2009. As of
June 2022, Toyota Loops employed 357 persons
with disabilities. Toyota Loops primarily handles
office support work outsourced from Toyota, such
as internal printing, the collection and delivery of
internal mail, and document digitization.
In addition, some Toyota Loops employees par-
ticipate in the development of assisted mobility
vehicles, a form of work and contribution uniquely
available to people with disabilities. For example,
during vehicle development, wheelchair users have
participated in evaluating the ease of getting in and
out of vehicles and provided opinions on aspects
of the development of automated driving vehicles.
Social Recognition
The PRIDE Index
LGBTQ+-related Initiatives
To ensure respect for individuals' sexual orienta-
tion and gender identity, Toyota strives to promote
the development of a corporate culture of proper
understanding, recognition, and acceptance.
At Toyota Motor Corporation, the prohibition on
discrimination or harassment targeting LGBTQ+
people has been incorporated into the employee
behavioral guidelines, and we no longer require
new graduates to fill in their gender on job appli-
cations. We have also been advancing facility-
related measures, such as establishing an internal
consultation hotline and gender-neutral restrooms.
Starting from July 2020, we have introduced
revised internal systems to allow employees in
same-sex or common-law marriages to use the
same internal benefit systems (holidays, employee
benefits, etc.) as those in marriages legally recog-
nized in Japan.
In terms of corporate culture, we require all
employees and officers to receive training cover-
ing basic knowledge about LGBTQ+ issues.
In November 2022, Toyota Motor Corporation was awarded
Gold and Best Practice on the PRIDE Index 2022. The PRIDE
Index was established by "work with Pride," a Japanese vol-
unteer organization that supports and develops diversity man-
agement initiatives for sexual minorities.
Top 50 Companies for Diversity 2022
In May 2022, Toyota Motor North America ranked 4th in the
general division of the Top 50 Companies for Diversity 2022
ranking published by U.S.-based DiversityInc.
work with Pride
work with Pride
INTEGRATED REPORTView entire presentation