Bank of Ireland 2021 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation
Structural hedge, liquid assets and
negative interest rates
Structural hedge¹
Liquid assets²
H1 20
H1 21
H1 20
H1 21
Application of negative interest rates
delivering reduction in funding costs
deposit volume on
negative rates
H1 20
H2 20
H1 21
1 Gross interest income from fixed leg of hedging swap
2 Excludes any impact from TLTRO on liquid assets
Bank of Ireland 2021 Interim Results - Debt Investor Presentation
Structural hedge & liquid assets
Interest income from structural hedge and liquid assets
reducing as a result of the negative interest rate environment
Average structural hedge yield fell from c.38bps to c.26bps
between H1 2020 and H1 2021
The decline in liquid asset income arises primarily from
i) a reduction in average 3 month Euribor rate (c.20bps) and
ii) higher ECB balances (c. €3.5bn)
Negative interest rates
As a mitigant to the impacts of the negative interest rate
environment above, the application of negative interest rates
to non-personal customers was expanded further during 2021
Volume of customer deposits on negative rates was €8.5bn
at Jun 2021 reflecting some volume attrition.
The threshold for the application of negative rates will be
reduced for non-personal customers from €2.5m to €1m
during Q3 2021 with further expansion to high net worth
personal customers with balances >€1m during Q4 2021
The Group expects c.€15bn of customer deposits will
attract a negative rate by Dec 2021
Bank of Ireland
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