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Investor Presentaiton

Post-Issuance Verification of Green Asset Pool as of Dec 2020 ISS ESG‣ ISS ESG ASSESSMENT SUMMARY EY SPO SECTION SUMMARY EVALUATION Sustainability quality of the green bond portfolio The portfolio is aligned with the ESG selection criteria described by the Issuer's Framework. The overall sustainability quality of the green bond portfolio in terms of sustainability benefits, risk avoidance and minimisation is good based upon the ISS ESG assessment. The green bond is (re-)financing eligible asset categories including renewable energy, green buildings, pollution prevention and control, energy efficiency and clean transportation. Those use of proceeds categories have a significant contribution to SDGs 7 "Affordable and clean energy", 11 "Sustainable cities and communities", 12 "Responsible consumption and production" and 13 "Climate action". The environmental and social risks associated with those use of proceeds categories have been well managed. Positive Annex 1: Green bond link to issuer's sustainability strategy Annex 2: Alignment with GBPs According to the ISS ESG Corporate Rating published on 12.03.2021, the issuer shows a high sustainability performance against the industry peer group on key ESG issues faced by the financials/commercial banks and capital markets sector. The issuer is rated 1st out of 285 companies within its sector. The Use of Proceeds financed through this bond are consistent with the issuer's sustainability strategy and material ESG topics for the issuer's industry. The rationale for issuing green bonds is clearly described by the issuer. The issuer has defined a formal concept for its Green Bond Framework regarding use of proceeds, processes for project evaluation and selection, management of proceeds and reporting. This concept is in line with the ICMA GBPS. The full assessment can be found on BNP Paribas's website. Consistent with issuer's sustainability strategy Positive "Report of the independent verifier on BNP Paribas' 2020 Green Bond Reporting on the compliance of the green assets selected for the Green Bonds with BNP Paribas' Green Bond Framework, on the impact reporting provided to investors and on the management of the net proceeds" " "...we hereby present our report on BNP Paribas' 2020 Green Bond Reporting (available on BNP Paribas' website) on (i) the compliance of the green assets selected for the Green Bonds issued in November 2016, April 2018, February 2019, November 2019 and October 2020 with BNP Paribas' Green Bond Framework (as of September 2020 and available on BNP Paribas' website), (ii) the impact reporting of the green assets for the year 2019, and (iii) the management of the net proceeds (as of December 31, 2020)." "In our opinion, the green assets selected for the 2016, 2018, 2019 and 2020 Green Bonds issued by BNP Paribas and the impact indicators mentioned in the annual use of proceeds reporting, comply, in all material aspects, with BNP Paribas's Green Bond Framework." BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world 17
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