Investor Presentaiton
Executive Summary Improving Financial Health
Supply Chain
Policies & Data tables
Environment – water usage
(1) Why water usage matters
The UN states that: "Water is a dealmaker for the Sustainable Development Goals,
and for the health and prosperity of people and planet. But our progress on water
related goals and targets remains alarmingly off track, jeopardizing the entire
sustainable development agenda."
"Without a functioning, resilient water cycle for all people everywhere, human health
and environmental integrity will always be threatened and a sustainable, equitable
future will remain out of reach."
(2) How we use water
Being an information services company, we do not operate in a water intensive
industry. However we recognise the need for all companies to address the urgent
global water challenges.
Data centres use different methods for cooling, one of which is to use water. Of the 4
major data centres that Experian runs, 2 use water for cooling.
Water is used in our buildings in employee bathrooms and kitchens, but we judge
this to be minimal.
(3) Measuring water
For FY23 we have published water usage data for the first time.
We have provided data for the two Experian data centres that use water for cooling.
In FY23 our usage was 40,119 cubic metres.
We will continue to report on this in future years.
Experian Public
(4) Looking ahead
We are currently part way through a technology transformation, migrating our data
centres to the cloud.
As this happens, the figures we report for our own water usage will come down.
We recognise that third party data centres are significant users of water, used
indirectly for electricity generation and directly through cooling. We don't expect
water consumption data to be made available in the near term at a customer level. In
the mean time we will be requesting information on water stewardship through our
supplier engagement programme entire presentation