Economic Indicators and Efforts for Sustainability
Factors in Increase / Decrease in Core Business Gross Profit for the First Half of Fiscal 2022 (Bank Consolidated)
A high level of core business gross profit was secured due mainly to an increase in interest and dividend income
Year-on-year (First Half of Fiscal 2022 - First Half of Fiscal 2021)
(Units: Billions of yen)
(Note) Differences in yield of domestic currency utilize yield differences with domestic
deposits, etc.
Differences in yield of foreign currency utilize yield differences with foreign
currency funding costs
Gain on loan
(¥25.3 billion)
Interest and dividend income
(¥37.7 billion)
Core business gross profit
(¥44.9 billion)
Gain on securities
(¥11.9 billion)
Other (¥0.5 billion)
Of which, domestic currency
(¥19.8 billion)
Of which, foreign currency
(¥5.5 billion)
Of which, domestic currency
(¥6.2 billion)
Of which, foreign currency
(¥5.6 billion)
Volume factors (0.06) (Average loan balance down ¥12.9 billion)
-Yield difference factors (0.47) (Yield difference down 0.02%)
-Volume factors +1.12 (Average loan balance up ¥186.3 billion)
-Yield difference factors +0.70 (Yield difference up 0.17%)
-Volume factors (1.05) (Average securities balance down ¥121.7 billion)
Yield difference factors +1.61 (Increase in stock dividends, fund
distributions, etc.)
Gain on fund cancellation factors (2.29) (Recorded loss on
cancellation of investment trusts, etc.)
-Volume factors (0.27) (Average securities balance down ¥27.6 billion)
-Yield difference factors +1.03 (Yield difference up 0.38%)
Increase in interest on deposits with banks due to special interest granted by the Bank of Japan, etc.
Fees and
(¥4.6 billion)
(¥2.6 billion)
. Solutions-related commissions +0.08, revenue on assets in custody +0.02, commission received on domestic exchange (0.13), loan-
related commissions (0.14), etc.
. +1.43 from gain (loss) on foreign exchange transactions, (1.55) from gain (loss) on derivatives, (0.30) from revenue on bond trading, etc.
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