Investor Presentaiton
Boundaries of solution to focus on integrating low carbon development strategy into spatial
+ What we are solving for
How the spatial plans can better
support low carbon development and a
reduced deforestation scenario
■ A high level fact-base for identifying
potential to reduce deforestation that
is driven by legal land status
■ A strong basis to convince local
governments that spatial planning
needs to be focused on low carbon
■ What needs to change: highlight and
revise policies and regulations that
currently impede optimal spatial plans
What we are NOT solving for
Complete re-work of the spatial planning
process from A to Z
■ Spatial planning beyond the scope of
protecting carbon - e.g. infrastructure
development, job creation, watershed
■ A detailed hectare by hectare articulation
of exact areas which will require revision
to land status'
■ The final or 'complete' solution to
Indonesia's moratorium
■ A secured commitment from each
Kabupaten to a revision to their spatial
SOURCE: DNPI; Kaltim GreenView entire presentation