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Investor Presentaiton

Macquarie FY20 result announcement I Introduction Overview of Result Result Analysis and Financial Management. Outlook Appendices MIRA EUM movement Increase of 17% due to new equity raised and FX movements partially offset by equity returned 150 140 $Ab 0.5 (2.6) 3.0 130 5.6 120 110 100 127.9 90 90 80 134.4 (2.4) 11.8 14.4 (8.9) O MACQUARIE 149.3 70 31-Mar-19 Equity raised¹ Listed security price movements Equity returned or no longer FX movements³ 30-Sep-19 Equity raised¹ Listed security price movements managed² Equity returned or no longer managed² FX movements³ 31-Mar-201 1. Includes equity under management in relation to 50% of the MAF investment: following the sale of MAF to a joint venture of which Macquarie held a 75% interest in 1H20 and the sale of 25% of the joint venture in 2H20. 2. Committed capital returned by unlisted funds or under mandates due to asset divestments, redemption or other capital distributions as well as capital no longer managed due to sale of management rights or expiry of asset management agreements. Includes an offset of equity managed on behalf of ALX following internalisation. 3. FX reflects the movement in EUM driven by changes in FX rates. 34
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