MAXIMUS: INVESTOR PRESENTATION, Delivering Social Value to Citizens slide image

MAXIMUS: INVESTOR PRESENTATION, Delivering Social Value to Citizens

Common Themes That Drive Demand Demographics ✓ Increased longevity and more complex health care needs Financial hardships and other barriers that require a combination of social safety net programs and support into work ✓ Focus on citizen responsibility and engagement as a condition of receiving benefits Programs that focus on measurable outcomes can cost-effectively address this need. Decentralization ✓ U.S. per capita funding for Medicaid and potential removal of certain federal mandates ✓ U.K. devolution of programs to local authorities Potential change to funding and governance mechanics enhances overall flexibility that state and local authorities can use to shape their benefit programs. Value for Spend ✓ Programs that address societal needs must be a good use of taxpayer dollars and achieve their intended outcomes ✓ Increased accountability by laying out performance expectations, rewarding partners who deliver and penalizing those who do not We believe this environment favors companies like MAXIMUS who can deliver highly complex government programs in a transparent and independent fashion. 5 | MAXIMUS: INVESTOR PRESENTATION
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