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Investor Presentaiton

W&CM highlights 180 Australian YEARS Unity Real Wellbeing • Investments FUMA of $10.46b (2020: $8.22b), with positive net flows from retail, middle and institutional markets and strong investment performance across key product areas Launched Future of Healthcare Fund and grew the Green Bond Fund to $178.0m • Group's investment portfolio of $937.0m (2020: $811.7m), including capital stable and highly liquid insurance reserves • Weighted average investment returns of the Group's investment portfolio of 1.8% for the year reflected resilient performance across a diverse array of investment activities in a challenging environment AUL FY21 Investor presentation • • • • Property Assets under management increased to $4.10b (2020: $3.52b) Multi-year development pipeline at $1.25b (2020: $1.29b) Lending and debt facilities on behalf of investors of $1.57b (2020: $1.37b) Achieved major milestone at $1.1b Herston Quarter precinct, with practical completion and commercial acceptance of the Surgical, Treatment and Rehabilitation Service (STARS) public hospital Healthcare Property Trust (HPT) increased FUM to $2.64b (2020: $2.20b) and posted a total return of 28.1% (wholesale units) for the year NorthWest/GIC consortium withdrew proposal to acquire 100% of HPT units Specialist Disability Accommodation Fund settled 31 dwellings and has 8 parcels of land for development, with a combined value of completed and dwellings committed or under construction totalling $118.1m Diversified Property Fund posted a return of 19.6% Life & Super Funds under management and administration of $2.51b (2020: $2.27b) Sales reached $207.4m (2020: $217.5m)-a significant outcome in an extremely low interest rate environment and during the pandemic Continued growth in the direct-to-consumer market, with the 10Invest Investment Bond and launched the co- branded Platinum Investment Bond with Platinum Asset Management Continued leading position in pre-paid funeral market with FUM of $714.2m (2020: $736.2m) across 90,000+ clients Advice • 171 advisers (2020: 176) • • FUA growth to $9.36b (2020: $7.14b), and personal life insurance premiums in-force up to $74.6m (2020: $69.0m) Revenue increased 8.4% to $65.4m (2020: $60.4m) Separately managed (SMA) investment accounts constructed by the Advice business grew in FUM to $716.5m (2020: $391.8m) • • Trustees Established pipeline of estates, trusts and protected persons opportunities enabled continued inflows of new clients and associated revenue-with a notable uplift in this pipeline in the second half of the year Funds under management grew by 6.5% Increased size of will bank nationally, with a healthy percentage of executor, trustee and enduring power of attorney appointments in estate plans written enhancing its latent value Figures at 30 June 2021, unless otherwise noted 30 30
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