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Investor Presentaiton

Growing our future Aboriginal leaders Building leadership capability in the Aboriginal health workforce is key to enabling safe, accessible and culturally responsive services. The WA Health Aboriginal Leadership Excellence and Development Program (LEAD) supports Aboriginal employees to gain the skills, abilities and confidence necessary to succeed in senior management, executive, and leadership roles in the WA health sector. LEAD is a systemwide leadership initiative specifically tailored for Aboriginal staff working in the WA health system. The aim of the program is to: identify and develop the leadership capabilities of current and emerging Aboriginal leaders provide participants with a range of leadership and learning opportunities delivered in a structured and culturally secure way establish a pool of Aboriginal staff capable of providing future corporate and cultural leadership. The program comprises of 3 modules that explore a participant's leadership strengths and develop the skills and tools they require to further lead and inspire excellence within the health system. Participants also explore what it means to be an Aboriginal leader from a community and cultural perspective and how this translates at a personal and professional level into the corporate workspace. Since 2020, the department has partnered with the Aboriginal Community Controlled health sector to further grow and develop a skilled and mobile Aboriginal workforce across the state. The 2023 program commenced in June 2023 and will support 14 participants on their leadership journey. Katie Finucane, Susan Quay, Billie Webb and Tahli Raftery Billie Webb, Manager Aboriginal Health, WA Country Health Service, provided us with insight into what it means to participate in the LEAD Program. I was interested in doing the LEAD Program to support the development of leadership skills in my substantive role at the time. The strength focused approach of the program supported our group to identify and build on our leadership Since its inception in 2016, 60 aspiring leaders have graduated from the LEAD Program with many moving to more senior positions in government or the community sector. skills. I found the coaching to be a vital part of the program as it provided a one-on-one opportunity to discuss the theoretical models and unpack how I could apply those learnings both in a professional and personal setting. Another invaluable aspect of the program is the ability to develop and explore relationships with other Aboriginal participants from across WA. As a group we were able to share our perspectives and listen and learn from each other in a culturally safe environment and I am still in contact with my group today. Since completing the LEAD Program I have been offered the opportunity to work in a leadership position at the department and in October 2022 I was the successful applicant for a managerial position at the WA Country Health Service. Contents < 58 > About us Significant issues Report on operations Agency performance Operational disclosures ⚫Key performance indicators • Financial disclosures and compliance • Appendix
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