Grow & Scale - Improving Sales Effectiveness slide image

Grow & Scale - Improving Sales Effectiveness

End Notes Slide 12 1. The Bank believes that this measure is useful for readers as it measures the return the loan portfolio net of the provision for credit losses. Please refer to Non-GAAP Measures reconciliations starting on page 44 of this presentation. Refers to F28 objective for risk-adjusted margin. Slide 13 1. Medium-term means F28 for ROE, risk adjusted margin, and productivity 2. Net income attributable to equity holders Slide 15 1. In-year sales revenue generated through digital, self-serve (e.g., mobile, web) and virtual channels (e.g., virtual advisors) Slide 16 1. Primary clients are defined as clients for whom we meet their core banking needs, with ongoing usage of our products and services, and are engaged digitally 2. Near primary clients represent 30% of our client base that have a D2D account but do not meet the other criteria Slide 17 1. Empire Launch occurred Q4 F22 2. Includes enrollments through Scene+ Slide 18 1. In-year sales revenue generated through digital, self-serve (e.g., mobile, web) and virtual channels (e.g., virtual advisors) Slide 19 1. Examples of Al assisted interactions include: Chatbot (in place), virtual voice assistant, advisor knowledge assist, call summarization / insights, Al driven retention modelling, etc. 41
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