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Barclays Investment Banking Pitch Book

KMP / EPB Has-Gets Analysis KMP Status Quo (Value) Expected Distribution Assumed Yield implied Unit Price KMP Pro Forma (Value) KMP Public Units Outstanding KM Share Issued Adjusted Exchange Rate KM Pro Forma Dividend Assumed KMI Yld implied Value of KM Stock Received Cash Portion Received Total Valve to KMP Unitholders Estimated Unitholder Taxes Total Valun to KMP Unihokers (After-Taxes) implied Value Uplit (Pre-tax) pled % Upat (Pre-tax) Implied Value Upan (After-tax) Imped % Up (After-x) Distribution Comparison KMP Status Quo Distribution Equity Funded Adjunted KMP Distribution Pro Forma Dividend to KOMP Unitholders Accretion/Dution)-5 Accretion/Dution)-S KMP 2015 3112 6826 2016 $5.83 58.18 56.46 58.96 $7.00 $7.30 6.96% 6.95% 6.95% 6.95% 6.96% 6.96% $83.94 $88.98 $83.01 $100.21 $102.01 $105.05 $24.30 29% $11.91 14% 2.1931 $2.00 4.50% 311.2 311.2 311.2 3112 6826 6826 2.1931 2.1931 2.1931 2.1931 2.1931 $2.20 $2.42 $2.06 $2.93 $3.22 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 507 47 $107 22 $117.94 $129.73 $142.71 $156.98 $10.77 $10.77 $10.77 $10.77 $10.77 $10.77 $108.24 $117.99 $128.71 $140.50 $153.48 $167.75 (1230) (12:30) (12:30) (12.30) (12:30) (12:30) 596 85 $105.60 $116.32 $128.11 $141.00 $155.36 $40.30 $5.83 80% $5.13 3112 2017 2018 2019 $29.01 $35.70 30% $23.31 25% $16.62 19% $6.18 88% $5.44 $4.39 $4.82 ($0.75) (50 62) (14.5%) (11.3%) $6.40 88% $5.00 2020 83% 56.13 $51.47 562.70 50% 60% $27.91 $30.08 5:50.31 28% 48% 38% $7.09 80% 56.24 $7.30 $5.31 $5.84 $0.42 $7.00 (50.38) (50.290) 50.18 50.64 (6.7%) (4.7%) 3.0% 10.0% EPB Status Quo (Value) Expected Distribution Assumed Yek Implied Unit Price EPB Pro Forma (Value) EPB Public Units Outstanding KMI Share Issued Adjusted Exchange Rate KM Pro Forma Dividend Assumed KM Yild implied Value of KMI Stock Received Cash Portion Received Total Value to EPB Unitholders Estimated Unitholder Taxes Total Value to EPB Unitholders (Afler-Taxes) 25 implied Value Uplit (Pre-tax) implied % Upit (Pre-tex amplied Value Up (Art) Implied% Upit (After tax) Distribution Comparison EPB Status Quo Distribution %Equity Funded Adjunted EPS Distribution Pro Forma Dividend to EPB Unitholders Accretion/Dution)-5 Accretion/Dution)-% EPB 2015 2016 $2.00 7.74% 7.74% $33.00 $2.00 $2.00 80% 52.29 2017 80% $2.73 7.74% $2.73 80% 2018 $2.40 2019 139.2 139.2 139.2 139.2 1302 1392 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 131.5 0.9451 0.9451 0.9451 0.9451 0.9451 0.9451 $2.00 $2.20 52.42 $2.00 $3.22 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% 4.50% $42.00 $46.20 550.83 $56.91 561.50 987.05 14.65 $4.66 54.66 $4.85 $4.65 54.85 $46.65 $50.85 $55.40 560.56 506.15 $72.30 (258) (2.88) (288) (288) (288) (28) $43.78 $47.98 $52.60 $57.68 563.27 500.42 $13.05 39% $29.00 $34.03 78% 80% $17.25 $20.20 $24.63 51% 57% 09% $10.18 $14.30 $17.32 $21.76 $26.12 $31.16 30% 49% 01% 70% 81% $2.87 Other $2.78 $2.96 7.74% 7.74% 7.74% $35.93 $37.15 5:38.27 2020 $1.89 $2.08 $2.29 $2.52 12.77 (50.40) (50.21) (30.12) 50.07 50.24 (17.4%) (9.1%) (4.8%) 28% 9.4% $2.78 $2.87 $2.90 80% 80% 80% $2.45 $2.53 $2.61 $3.04 50.44 16.8% Source: Per management. 1. Calculated as 2014E distribution guidance of $5.58 for KMP/$2.60 for EPB divided by current unit prices of $80.34 for KMP/S33.60 for EPB. 2. Calculated by dividing the number of KMI shares issued to unit holders by the number of units outstanding 3. Approximate calculation for an average unit holder. Actual gain could be more or less. Assumes passive losses have not been utilized and can be utilized on the sale to offset ordinary income Assumes individual tax rate of 35% for ordinary income and 22% for capital gains for illustrative purposes. If the maximum federal rates of 40.5% for ordinary income, and 23. 8% for capital gains are used, taxes would be $13.81 and $3. 25 for KMP and EPB, respectively. Based on 8/8/2014 KMI share price of $36.12. BARCLAYS
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