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New Business Organisation

BNP PARIBAS Main Features of the Corporate Market (2/2) Revenues from plain vanilla products are predominant ■■■ 81% of total revenues vs. an EU average of 55% Margins and risk ■Margins: 180bp average in Italy ■ Cost of risk: 66bp average (1) in Italy ■Good risk return ratio Corporate Market Total 4.3mn €1,390bn Over 500mn 5% ≤1% 1.5mn 500mn 22% 46% Below 1.5mn 95% 32% Number of GDP(3) companies (2) BNL Grupp BNP PARIBAS (1) 2005 estimate over total loans of DEXIA, BNP Paribas, Credit Agricole S.A., Societe Generale, Banca Intesa, Sanpaolo-IMI, Unicredito Italiano (2) Source: ISTAT - only active companies considered ; (3) Estimated from Added Value Leveraging the Corporate Franchise 126
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