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Investor Presentaiton

Market Overview Highly Favorable Demographics Evolving demographics and growing urbanization will help drive consumption in Indonesia Indonesia is the 4th most populated country in the world BURGER KING Young Population to drive multi year growth in QSR 1439 100+ 1380 90-94 331 Indonesia is 2.5x the size of 80-84 273 the next largest country in SE Asia 70-74 60-64 50-54 40-44 109 97 69 30-34 32 6 20-24 10-14 G 0-4 Source: BMI Rapidly increasing urbanisation rate Percentage of urban population in Indonesia 67% 63% 60% 57% 55% 53% 50% 2010A 2015A 2018A 2020E 2025E 2030E 2035E Source: BPS, World Bank 60% of population below the age of 35 and median age of 30 Source: Populationpyramid Multiple urban centres of dense population Number of cities with population above 1 million 12 Source: Worldometer 6 00 2 2 1 + G+ 4
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