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Investor Presentaiton

Q3 FY 2020-21: Revenue Mix Q3 FY20 471 64 -1192 681 Q3 FY21 adani Power INR Crores 73 153 561 -626 Regulated Utility Near-Pithead 2587 Hinterland Coastal 3171 Holdco ■Non-recurring 3045 1029 revenue 995 Consol. Revenue Rs. 6,685 Cr + 6% Rs. 7,099 Cr Adj. Revenue* Rs. 6,621 Cr + 6% Rs. 7,026 Cr 2772 Revenue from Regulated Utility increased due to higher offtake under Karnataka PPA of UPCL Near-pithead and coastal capacities have shown good increase in power offtake under short term and merchant market, amid lower coal prices Higher Holdco (Standalone) revenue in Q3 FY20 was mainly due to higher sale of trading goods (coal) to subsidiaries which is also reflected in form of higher eliminations *After deducting one-time and prior period items 21
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