Investor Presentaiton
Debt Management Outlook in 2023
2003 Agentúra pre riadenie dlhu a likvidity.
2023 Debt and Liquidity Management Agency
Total redemptions EUR 4.6 billion equivalent
EUR 3.0 billion - bond matured in February
EUR 1.5 billion - bond maturing in November
EUR 0.14 billion equivalent - CHF 0.175 billion bond maturing in October
Uncertainty about state budget cash deficit
✓ Cash deficit of state budget at EUR 8.3 billion (worst case and very unlikely scenario according to ARDAL)
Total gross financing needs formally at EUR 12.9 billion and will be covered mostly by issuance
EUR 4.0 billion can be issued via regular monthly auctions - EUR 2.2 billion already issued
EUR 4.0 5.0 billion can be issued via syndications - EUR 3.5 billion already issued
No T-bills
No specific loans planned but could be arranged based on market conditions
✓ Total issuance planned at EUR 8.0 - 9.0 billion - the rest can be covered by State Treasury funds development + liquidity
buffer optimization + realistic deficit compared to estimates
Foreign currency issuances are less likely
Focus to remain on Euro-denominated SLOVGB issuance.
Source: Ardal, as of April 2023
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