Investor Presentaiton
IV.1 Institution
Intellectual property is somewhat
not protected (61.6% → 59.7%)
Largly disagree that are taxes:
Addressing environmental
degradation (69.1%→38%)
Somewhat disagree that taxes:
Addressing inequality in your
society (57.1%→62%)
Somewhat disagree that effective
regulation protects personal data
held by private companies
Somewhat disagree that the taxes:
Easy to comply with
Somewhat disagree that the
government serve the interest of
everyone equitably
Bribes are somewhat common in
connection with the Imports-
exports (74.6% → 71.4%)
Bribes are largely common in
connection with the Public
utilities (61.6% → 49.3%)
Bribes are largely common in
obtaining favorable judicial
decisions (55.6% →47.1 %)
Bribes are largely common in
connection with Tax payments
(58.9% 47.8%)
Bribes are largely common in the
awarding of public contracts and
licenses (63% →54.3%)
Govt. have a long-term vision in
place to some extent (53.4%
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