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Investor Presentaiton

Annual Report AR 2022 SUMMARY WHO WE ARE OUR STRENGTH AND OUR RESOURCES OUR RESULTS Agenda BC# Improvement of the social, environmental, and climate risk supervision process Financial institutions must establish a Social, Environmental and Climate Responsibility Policy (PRSAC, from its name in Portuguese) and implement actions aiming at its effectiveness. Additionally, they must include social, environmental and climate risks in their integrated risk management processes. As part of this initiative, the content regarding these two subjects was updated in the publicly available Guide to Supervision Practices, in order to clarify to the financial institutions regarding the evaluation criteria of the BCB supervision regarding the compliance with requirements, including examples of good practices. Additionally, research and implementation of solutions for the identification of climate risks (physical and transition) in financial institutions in Brazil continued through contacts with representatives from the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation (MCTI) and the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). In addition, contacts have been made with information providers on large companies and on geolocation of economic activities and borrowers in general. This information is used to improve the monitoring of the exposures of financial institutions, specifically regarding climate risks, as well as in the development of climate stress tests, within the process of evaluating the stability of the SFN. First assessment of climate risks in the Financial Stability Report The BCB's commitment to the sustainability agenda has resulted in several actions that seek to reduce the possible impacts of events associated with social, environmental, and climate risks. In addition to regulatory and supervisory measures, the BCB has been implementing databases and metrics to monitor the effects of climate change in the SFN. In this sense, the BCB published, in section II of the Financial Stability Report (REF) of November 2022, the first assessments for physical climate risk and transition climate risk within the SFN. These are the first analyses resulting from a continuous BCB action, associating and adapting different methodologies and databases. A sensitivity analysis of the SFN credit portfolio to physical risk was presented, based on INPE's projections of extreme droughts. As for the transitional risk, the exposure of the SFN's credit portfolio to borrowers who are more exposed to the process of transition to a low carbon economy was measured. One of the main objectives of the studies presented is to disseminate the topic and promote a better understanding of climate risk in the financial system. Given the complexity of the subject, the dynamism of the emergence of new methodologies, and the availability of new databases, the expectation is that new studies of this nature will be carried out and presented in the future, incorporating new methodologies and addressing different aspects of climate risk. Accounting register of investments in carbon credits and other sustainability assets The BCB adjusted the accounting register of sustainability- linked assets in the accounting planning of the Accounting Standard for Institutions Regulated by the BCB (Cosif). Sustainability-linked assets are those related to social, environmental, and climate sustainability mechanisms. This adjustment aims at providing greater transparency to the use of these assets by financial institutions, as well as resolving any uncertainties and standardizing their accounting register, so that the BCB can monitor the sustainability-linked assets held by these institutions in their investment portfolios, monitor the evolution of the market and, when necessary, adopt measures in a timely manner. By establishing clear criteria for recognizing and measuring these elements by financial institutions and other licensed institutions, it contributes to the growth of these operations in the financial market. The accounting criteria for recording and measuring sustainability-linked assets and liabilities defined by the BCB are in line with the best international practices. 104
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