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Investor Presentaiton

P&L (R$ million) 2Q21 2Q20 Abs. 12M Net interest income 13,424 13,629 -205 -1.5% Allowance for loan losses -3,325 -3,334 9 -0.3% Net interest income after loan losses 10,099 10,295 -196 -1.9% Fees 4,700 3,705 994 26.8% General expenses -5,106 -4,930 -176 3.6% Personnel expenses + profit sharing -2,177 -2,172 -5 0.2% Administrative expenses -2,929 -2,758 -171 6.2% Tax expenses -1,209 -899 -310 34.5% Other Income (Expenses) -1,825 -2,185 359 -16.4% Investments in Affiliates and Subsidiaries 21 3 18 534.9% Non-Operating Income -1 32 -33 -103.5% Profit before taxes 6,678 6,022 656 10.9% Income tax and social contribution tax -2,465 -2,113 -352 16.6% Minority interest -43 -47 5 - 10.0% Net profit w/o additional provision 4,171 3,862 309 8.0% Extraordinary Allowance for Loan Losses 0 -3,200 3200 n.a Taxes 0 1,440 -1440 n.a Net profit 4,171 2,102 2,069 98.4% APPENDIX 23 23
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