Investor Presentaiton
Additional Disclaimers and Notes to Performance Results
The performance results of PSH and Pershing Square, L.P., the Pershing Square fund with the longest performance track record, included in this presentation are presented on a gross and net-of-
fees basis. Gross and net performance include the reinvestment of all dividends, interest, and capital gains from our underlying portfolio companies, and reflect the deduction of, among other
things, brokerage commissions and administrative expenses. Net performance reflects the deduction of management fees and accrued performance fee/allocation, if any. Since June 20, 2019, PSH
has engaged in share repurchases whereby its buyback agent has repurchased Public Shares subject to certain limitations. Any positive impact on performance due to these share buybacks is
reflected herein. Performance is based on the dollar return for the specific period, including any and all dividends paid by PSH, calculated from the beginning of such period to the end of such
period. All performance provided herein assumes an investor that has been in the Pershing Square funds since their respective inception dates and participated in any "new issues," as such term is
defined under Rules 5130 and 5131 of FINRA. Depending on timing of a specific investment and participation in "new issues," net performance for an individual investor may vary from the net
performance as stated herein. Performance data for 2019 and 2020 is estimated and unaudited.
Pershing Square, L.P.'s net returns for 2004 were calculated net of a $1.5 million (approximately 3.9%) annual management fee and performance allocation equal to 20% above a 6% hurdle, in
accordance with the terms of the limited partnership agreement of Pershing Square, L.P. then in effect. That limited partnership agreement was later amended to provide for a 1.5% annual
management fee and 20% performance allocation effective January 1, 2005. The net returns for Pershing Square, L.P. set out in this document reflect the different fee arrangements in 2004, and
subsequently. In addition, pursuant to a separate agreement, in 2004 the sole unaffiliated limited partner paid Pershing Square an additional $840,000 for overhead expenses in connection with
services provided unrelated to Pershing Square, L.P. which have not been taken into account in determining Pershing Square, L.P.'s net returns. To the extent such overhead expenses had been
included in fund expenses, net returns would have been lower.
The market indices shown in this presentation have been selected for purposes of comparing the performance of an investment in the Pershing Square funds with certain broad-based benchmarks.
The statistical data regarding these indices has been obtained from Bloomberg and the returns are calculated assuming all dividends are reinvested. The S&P 500 Index is not subject to any of the
fees or expenses to which the Pershing Square funds are subject, while the HFRX ED: Activist Index and HFRX Equity Hedge Fund Index are net of fees and expenses. The funds are not restricted to
investing in those securities which comprise any of these indices, their performance may or may not correlate to any of these indices and the portfolio of the funds should not be considered a proxy
for any of these indices. The volatility of an index may materially differ from the volatility of the Pershing Square funds' portfolio. The S&P 500 is comprised of a representative sample of 500 U.S.
large-cap companies. The index is an unmanaged, float-weighted index with each stock's weight in the index in proportion to its float, as determined by Standard & Poors. The S&P 500 index is
proprietary to and is calculated, distributed and marketed by S&P Opco, LLC (a subsidiary of S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC), its affiliates and/or its licensors and has been licensed for use. S&P® and
S&P 500Ⓡ, among other famous marks, are registered trademarks of Standard & Poor's Financial Services LLC. © 2015 S&P Dow Jones Indices LLC, its affiliates and/or its licensors. All rights
reserved. The MSCI World Index is a broad global equity index that represents large and mid-cap equity performance across 23 developed markets countries, covering approximately 85% of the free
float-adjusted market capitalization in each country. The HFRX ED: Activist Index is composed of hedge fund strategies with greater than 50% of the portfolio in activist positions. Activist strategies
included in the index may obtain or attempt to obtain representation of the company's board of directors in an effort to impact the firm's policies or strategic direction and in some cases may
advocate activities such as division or asset sales, partial or complete corporate divestiture, dividend or share buybacks, and changes in management. The HFRX Equity Index is composed of
hedge fund strategies typically investing at least 50% of the portfolio in long or short equity positions. Hedge Fund Research, Inc. is the sponsor and the source of the information on HFRX indices
provided in this presentation. The HFRX ED Activist Index and the HFRX Equity Index are being used under license from Hedge Fund Research, Inc., which does not approve of or endorse the
contents of this presentation.
The performance attributions to the gross returns provided on page 17 are for illustrative purposes only. Each position with contribution to returns of at least 50 basis points (when rounded to the
nearest tenth) is shown separately. Positions with smaller contributions are aggregated. Returns were calculated taking into account currency hedges, if any. At times, Pershing Square may engage
in hedging transactions to seek to reduce risk in the portfolio, including investment specific hedges that do not relate to the underlying securities of the company in which the Pershing Square
funds are invested. Unless otherwise noted herein, gross returns include (i) only returns on the investment in the underlying company and the hedge positions that directly relate to the securities
that reference the underlying company (e.g., if Pershing Square, L.P. was long Company A stock and also purchased puts on Company A stock, the gross return reflects the profit/loss on the stock
and the profit/loss on the put); (ii) do not reflect the cost/benefit of hedges that do not relate to the securities that reference the underlying company (e.g., if Pershing Square, L.P. was long Company
A stock and short Company B stock, the profit/loss on the Company B stock is not included in the gross returns attributable to the investment in Company A); and (iii) do not reflect the cost/benefit
of portfolio hedges. These gross returns do not reflect deduction of management fees and accrued performance fee/allocation. These returns (and attributions) do not reflect certain other fund
expenses (e.g., administrative expenses). Inclusion of such fees/allocations and expenses would produce lower returns than presented here. Please refer to the net performance figures presented
on page 15 of this presentation.
Share price performance data takes into account the issuer's dividends, if any. Share price performance data is provided for illustrative purposes only and is not an indication of actual returns of
PSH over the periods presented or future returns of PSH. Additionally, it should not be assumed that any of the changes in shares prices of the investments listed herein indicate that the investment
recommendations or decisions that Pershing Square makes in the future will be profitable or will generate values equal to those of the companies discussed herein. All share price performance data
calculated "to date" is calculated through February 4, 2020.
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