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Investor Presentaiton

Energy production and use accounts for two-thirds of GHG emissions at a global level. In this regard, Mexico is working closely with the international community to meet multilateral climate goals <2°C max global average PARIS2015 CONFÉRENCE DES NATIONS UNIES SUR LES CHANGEMENTS CLIMATIQUES COP21.CMP11 187 signatory countries 55 ratification instruments temperature increase are invited to submit their + 55% of global GHG* INDCS* conditions for entry into force1 On March 28th, 2015, Mexico became the first developing country to present its INDC. Mexico has committed to: 25% Unconditional reduction of its Greenhouse Gases and Short Lived Climate Pollutants emissions by 2030 Up to 40% Conditional reduction subject to a global agreement providing an international price on carbon, access to financing and technology transfer On September 21st, 2016, Mexico ratified the Paris Agreement 1 As of September 22nd, 60 Parties have ratified accounting for 47.6% of the total GHG emissions. INDC: Intended Nationally Determined Contributions; GHG: Greenhouse Gas NORTH AMERICAN LEADERS' SUMMIT 45% reduction of methane emissions in North America by 2025 CRE OTTAWA 2016 H 50% of clean power 甚 generation by 2025 Collaborating on cross-border transmission projects At least 6 transmission lines currently proposed or in permitting review, such as the Great North Transmission Line, the New England Clean Power Link, and the Nogales Interconnection, would add approximately 5,000 MW of new cross-border transmission capacity. 31
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