International Presence and Activities
A National Champion in a Fast Growing Economy
Slovakia is an A-rated country and one of the most open economies among the members of the core Eurozone
VUB is the second-largest banking group in Slovakia. As of Dec20, VUB Bank had a strong market share in all the key areas: total assets
(20.4%), gross loans (21.1%), housing loans (24.1%), deposits (19.2%), asset management (17.0%) and branches (18.3%). Its significant
sales force is based on 197 domestic branches and a foreign branch office in the Czech Republic
Strong Credit Rating based on good financial position and good profitability
VUB is rated A2 by Moody's, based on its good economic and financial figures: as of Dec20 total assets amounted to EUR 18.7 bln. Net Profit
as of Dec20 was EUR 85 mln
Robust Capital Structure
VUB Group has a strong capital structure compared to its peers, with a CET1 ratio at 16.7% and Total Capital Ratio of 18.8% as of Dec20,
well above regulatory requirements
Solid growth in Loans to Customers driven by mortgage activity
As of Dec20, 82.1% of Retail Loans was represented by mortgages: number of housing loans were 132,385 (+5.3% YoY) and housing loans
outstanding amounted to EUR 7.8 bln (+13.1% YoY)
Market Leader in the Covered Bond Market
VUB has the biggest mortgage bonds portfolio in Slovakia with a 100% Residential Real Estate mortgage pool. As a result, it has the largest
Covered Bond book in the sector (18.3% of its liabilities vs. 4%-10% reported by its top three peers)
VUB has EUR 3.4 bln of outstanding covered bonds (the largest amount outstanding in Slovakia), which are rated Aa2 by Moody's. Mortgage
bonds issued before 2018 were transferred to the new Covered Bond Programme according to the new Slovak legislation on covered bonds
Strong Foreign Shareholder Support
VUB has a strong shareholder support from Intesa Sanpaolo, one of the leading European groups with a worldwide network of 6,314
branches, approx. 21.8 million clients, and a strategic presence in the CEE
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