Investor Presentation - CNP Assurances Corporate Bond Portfolio and SCR Coverage Ratio slide image

Investor Presentation - CNP Assurances Corporate Bond Portfolio and SCR Coverage Ratio

Presentation of the new performance indicators A mix of IFRS 17, Solvency II and non-GAAP KPIs 1. Business (non-GAAP) For example: - Gross new money, Net new money - Insurance liabilities (traditional and unit-linked) - Asset mix, purchase rate, Administrative costs (...) 4. Value and capital (Solvency II and IFRS 17) For example: - IFRS 17 total equity - IFRS 17 book value, ge ΩΩ KPIs 2. Profitability (IFRS 17) - - - - For example: CSM Cost/income ratio Loss Component Combined ratio - ECL (...) 3. Profit or loss (IFRS 17) For example: Insurance service result EBIT Attributable net profit (...) - Solvency II coverage ratio Pay-out ratio/dividends (...) CNP assurances The management of the company will be based on a mix of multi-standard KPIs The MCEV standard is abandoned in favour of the Solvency 2 and IFRS 17 standards Investor Presentation March 23 | 66
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