Expanding the Client Network slide image

Expanding the Client Network

Redefining Our Technology Future Our Enhanced Technology Delivery Process New Technology Foundation & Skill Set Redefining the Trading Experience Implemented SAFe Agile Delivery Deployed new technology based on AWS Launch of new protocols like Mid-X / Live Markets / Portfolio Trading Software releases now bi-weekly Rolled out Al and machine learning foundation in AWS Launch of CP+, built on modern machine learning technology in AWS Automated delivery process Substantial talent recruitment with modern technical skills Redesigned of the MKTX trading tools and user interface KEY BENEFITS: • Data on AWS allows end users to access vast amounts of data quicker without having to build specific solutions for each set • Faster delivery cycles for software releases with ability to pivot to handle any new business priorities • More efficient use of human capital in delivering business goals • New technology and working protocols help to attract and leverage talent any where across the globe X Market Axess® 16
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