FY2023 Financial Forecasts slide image

FY2023 Financial Forecasts

(Ref.) China Business / Financial Services (3 months) (Ref.) China Business Operating Income of Chinese Subsidiaries (billions of yen) Share of Profit of Investments Accounted for Using the Equity Method of Chinese Associates and Joint Ventures (billions of yen) Toyota and Lexus Vehicle Retail Sales (thousands of vehicles) Financial Services Operating Income (billions of yen) * Excluding Valuation Gains/Losses from Interest Rate Swaps, etc. 474 -6.4 77.1 445 (93.9%) 70.7 82.0 +25.5 56.5 '21.1-3 '22.1-3 119.8 114.9 +4.8 '21.1-3 '22.1-3 TOYOTA Operating Income including Valuation Gains/Losses from Interest Rate Swaps, etc. (billions of yen) 101.8 22 97.9
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