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Investor Presentaiton

Continuous path to building a strong, more competitive bank ROE¹ (%) Adjusted¹² efficiency (bps) CET1 (%) 13.4 16.7 61.4 13.7 300bps 520bps 200bps 56.2 11.4 F2019 YTD '21 F2019 YTD '21 F2019 YTD '21 • Targeted actions to allocate capital and resources to areas expected to generate strong returns • Continuing to make progress against our efficiency commitments through automating processes, digitizing activities and simplifying the way we do business Above target ROE with increases in all businesses 1 On an adjusted basis. Adjusted measures are non-GAAP measures, see slide 2 for more information; F2019 reported ROE 12.6% and Efficiency 64.2%; YTD F2021 reported ROE 14.5% and Efficiency 60.6% 2 Efficiency ratio based on net revenue. Net revenue is net of insurance claims, commissions and changes in policy benefit liabilities (CCPB) BMO Financial Group Investor Presentation October 2021 15
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