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Investor Presentaiton

COMMITMENT TO SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION *** MINASLIGAS International Certifications MINASLIGAS ISO 9001 CERTIFICADA MINASLIGAS ISO 45001 CERTIFICADA ISO 14001 CERTIFICADA THE HAVE IZONY MOURICATION SGS ISO 9001 ISO 45001 ISO 14001 ISO 14064 CLIMATE CHANGES Our commitment to a more sustainable production process is also related to a concern that must be part of all organizations, governments and society in general: the risks involved with the climate changes that the planet faces. For this reason, the topic of Climate Change is considered highly relevant for Minasligas, permeating all our areas of activity, production processes and analysis of risk and opportunity scenarios. III Analysis and Management of Risks and Opportunities related to Climate Change GHG Emissions4 (2020) 0.75ton CO2 eq/ton (2021) 0.55ton CO2 eq/ton Up to 7x smaller than other producers in the world Relationship with customers (2021) NPS Survey 2021 - 86.85% Waste Management (2021) 59,281 tons of non-hazardous waste (Class 2) transformed into energy Volume 0 of mineral waste destined for landfills Water Management 90% of all water in the factory is reused Minasligas in continually invests business strategies, environmental technologies and management programs that affirm, maintain and enhance our commitment to sustainable production: one that is efficient and safe, that stands out as a "green" production (cleaner and with less carbon emissions) and that treats energy as an essential input, to be preserved and renewed at all stages of the production line. One of the strategies that permeates our entire business and guarantees a more sustainable production process is the maintenance of our own forestry massif, maintained on 14 farms located in the state of Minas Gerais. The planting of eucalyptus on these farms guarantees a renewable source of charcoal and firewood for wood chips, important raw materials (called bioreducers) for the production of Ferro Silicon and Silicon Metal. Physical Risk Analysis: Loss of forest assets due to: water scarcity in periods of severe drought; forest fires in periods of drought; higher incidence of pests and forest diseases due to physiological disorders favored by water scarcity and temperature increase. Reduction in productivity or partial stoppage of forestry activities due to: 56 Forest Project 14 farms +27 thousand hectares planted forests and fallow areas + 22 thousand hectares native vegetation of the Cerrado of Minas Gerais Electricity 96% of energy used from renewable source Negative Carbon balance: (2020)-236,789 ton CO2 eq (2021) -189,934 ton CO2 eq Balance considering Scope 1+ Scope 2 (Market Based) Investment in forests, whether native or reforested, and the use of bioreducer, added to other sources of clean electricity which, in 2021, reached 96% of energy used in production, generate a differentiated condition in terms of sustainability, with low environmental impact solutions. In 2021, Minasligas reached an emission factor of 0.55 ton CO2eq/ton of product, calculation obtained through the GHG Protocol methodology. This result, compared to other producers in the world, is almost 7 times lower. Thus, considering Scope 1+ Scope 2 (Market Based), the carbon balance for 2021 was -184,934 ton CO2eq, which means that Minasligas retained more greenhouse gases in its planted and native forests than it emitted in its productive process. decrease in water availability; poor distribution of rainfall throughout the year; scarcity of water resources in periods of severe drought. Reduction in the productive capacity of: charcoal- |– raw material for the production of Ferro Silicon and Silicon Metal wood chips - raw material for Silicon Metal production Logistics stoppage in the delivery of raw materials due to the occurrence of storms. Increase in the cost of forestry production due to extreme weather effects and/or water deficit (costs with projects and research, use of greater quantity of inputs without guarantee of expected production) 4- According to the GHG Protocol | 5-ISO 14064 Methodology 57
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