Annual & Sustainability Report 2017
Quality of service
Quality of service is at the heart of the management
model of CCR Group's airport concession units. Both
in Brazil and abroad, investments are made with a
focus on increasing comfort for passengers, improving
the working conditions of airlines and seeking
integration with other terminals, providing more flight
and destination options for users.
One of the prime examples of how this approach
materializes is the Quito International Airport,
managed by Quiport. The airport was chosen for
the second consecutive year as the best in South
America in the World Airport award, produced by
British consulting firm Skytrax and based on a global
satisfaction survey with customers of airports all over
the world. Quiport also received a four-star rating
(there is just one other on the continent) and was
elected the company with the best employees.
In Brazil, BH Airport manages the Belo Horizonte
International Airport in Minas Gerais. Since it was
awarded the concession in 2014, the unit has taken
on the mission of providing an excellent service to
passengers and visitors, with a structure specially
dedicated to the monitoring of satisfaction and quality
indicators. These indicators are in fact one of the
requirements of the agreement with Agência Nacional
de Aviação Civil (National Civil Aviation Agency - Anac).
The Quality of Service Plan combines the initiatives
in this sphere planned for the year and the
controls to be applied. BH Airport monitors 34
indicators defined by Anac on a monthly basis.
These range from airport cleaning services to
check-in queuing times (hand luggage check)
and passengers' perception of quality and the
cost of services. Parallel to these processes, the
Secretaria da Aviação Civil (Office of the Secretary
for Civil Aviation - SAC) conducts a quarterly
passenger satisfaction survey covering 38 items
of infrastructure, customer service, services and
management of the country's top 15 airports.
The airport expansion and adaptation works are
among the factors with the greatest impact on
passenger and visitor satisfaction. In this context,
the delivery of the new passenger terminal in
December 2016 had a positive impact on last
year's quality of service indicators, with the
expansion of the arrivals and departures halls
and of the shopping and baggage reclaim areas,
new boarding gates and more parking spaces.
Accessibility aspects are also continually improved
by works and expansions. About R$ 150 million
have already been invested in this type of
adaptation, guaranteeing accessible toilets, tactile
paving and elevators.
Connectivity in Minas Gerais
Belo Horizonte International Airport, run by BH Airport, has the
potential to become one of the country's largest flight distribution
and passenger integration centers due to its privileged location.
Accordingly, the concession is expected to become a growth and
development vector for the state.
To realize this potential, the terminal depends on the maintenance
of plans to close Pampulha Airport to domestic flights. This
restriction is being discussed by the grantor authority and,
if withdrawn, makes it more difficult for airlines to organize
connecting flights and integration of passengers flying in from
other locations.
BH Airport has sought to involve society as a whole and
to raise public awareness of the importance of the airport
to the residents of Minas Gerais, to the development of
the state, and to the achievement of goals set out in
the concession agreement.
Click here
to find
out more
about the
expansion of
BH Airport
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Annual & Sustainability Report 2017 ⚫ CCR Group
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