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Investor Presentaiton

Chapter III - Estimates of Expenditure (PKR Billion) Economic Affairs BE 2019-20 RE 2019-20 BE 2020-21 General Economic, Commercial & Labor Affairs 1.006 1.607 2.942 General Economic Affairs 0.461 0.306 0.620 General Labor Affairs 0.545 0.471 0.826 State Trading 0.829 1.495 Agriculture, Food, Irrigation, Forestry & Fishing 72.352 58.865 69.501 Agriculture 44.248 36.502 41.188 Irrigation 16.205 15.336 15.410 Land Reclamation Forestry Fisheries 0.377 0.348 0.350 4.921 4.298 4.938 0.911 0.769 0.881 Food 5.691 1.612 6.733 Fuel and Energy 3.136 3.151 0.163 Administration 3.136 3.151 0.163 Mining and Manufacturing 10.328 9.453 10.903 Manufacturing 9.553 8.705 10.135 Mines 0.775 0.749 0.768 Construction and Transport 34.460 30.315 34.910 Roads & Transport 24.911 22.491 25.911 Construction & Works 9.550 7.824 8.999 Other Industries 0.029 0.017 0.092 Tourism 0.029 0.017 0.092 Grand Total 121.311 103.425 118.110 Government's capital spending in construction and infrastructure directly contributes to economic gains, net increase in physical capital assets and increase in employment opportunities. Efficient Government Expenditure in construction and public works fosters private sector investment opportunities. Annual Budget FY 2020-21 supports and finances several capital development programs particularly rural connectivity and accessibility initiatives. Housing and Community Amenities One of the major objectives of public sector spending is provision of Public Goods. Housing development, community development, provision of clean drinking water and sanitation services are fundamental to urban growth. Urban centers attract both foreign and local investments and thereby create job opportunities. The budgetary functional head Housing and Community Amenities includes Expenditure on Housing, Urban Page 25
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