State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2021-22 slide image

State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2021-22

Independent Review of RBD Bangladesh's Development Concluding Remarks The trends of key macroeconomic correlates during the early months of FY22 evince that many of these are in a recovery trajectory, led by export-oriented sectors. However, macroeconomic stability is not in a comfortable state anymore. Uncertainty is looming large at the global level as well Consequently, policy space for tackling the prevailing and emerging challenges has become comparatively limited. In this backdrop, trends in recovery, emergent risks and the available policy space should receive due cognisance while designing and implementing policy responses The government needs to opt for a focused and targeted expansionary fiscal policy reinforced by accommodative monetary policy Given the current context, a targeted flow of fiscal resources towards the more vulnerable households alongside the relatively small (and informal) enterprises will generate more ‘aggregate domestic demand augmenting' effect and offer some protection to the marginalised groups ➤ This becomes even more important given the upward creeping inflation scenario □ One of the critical measures to be pursued by the government should be downward adjustment of diesel price in order to decrease tillage, irrigation and transportation costs so that production cost is reduced CPD (2021): State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2021-22 (First Reading) 78
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