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IJMS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS XXI COMAPI $56 Abstracts Abstracts by SPSS 13.0 software. Results: Patients were predominantly female (90.3%), with an average age of diagnosis of 10.5 years. Regarding the symptoms present in the diagnostic criteria and in descending order, 90.3% had fever, 80.6% arthritis, 25% convulsion and 22.6% pericarditis. The most common laboratory abnormality was a patho- logical cylindruria (67.7%). According to these changes, therapy was instituted. The use of oral corticosteroids was 96.8% and their as- sociation with antimalarial occurred in 51.6% of patients. The set of corticosteroids, azathioprine or methotrexate and antimalarial use occurred in 12 children. A simple pulse therapy was used by 38.7% and 32.3% of patients received combination. No patient used immunobiological. Conclusion: Treatment of Systemic Lupus Erythe- matosus must be individualized for each patient and depend on the location and severity of these affections. Oral corticosteroid drug therapy was the most used. 57 Trichotillomania And Trichophagia Associated With Depres- sion Máximo Peixoto Rocha Neto; Clara Maria Barbosa; Antonio Guilherme Chagas Silva Feitosa; Luiz Euripedes Almondes Santana Lemos; Lorayne De Araujo Costa Pereira; Krieger Rhelyni De Sousa Olinda. Introduction: Trichotillomania (TTM) is characterized by recurrent hair pulling behavior associated with satisfaction or relief after re- moving them. The disorder is not accounted for by another mental disorder and is not due to general medical conditions causing su- ffering, social and occupational impairment. Studies show the scalp as the most frequently affected region and that the average age for the start of the frame is approximately 13 years and is associated with greater depression and generalized anxiety. Surveys report that 20.6% of patients with TTM after the act of plucking hair started oral behaviors such as running the hair between his lips, plucking the root or eat the strand of hair or part it, what is called trichophagia. Case report: A 30 years old, female, started 16 years ago presenting social isolation, anxiety and an uncontrollable urge to pull the hairs. After extracting them, she ate only the hair bulb feeling relief and sa- tisfaction. Realized the act as irrational, but when she tried to resist the urge she had discomfort characterized by intense anxiety and autonomic symptoms. The urge became frequent and there was no apparent motivation to feel it or realize it. Since 2005, she has been showing worsening morning symptoms, however denies nail biting, tics or gastric complications. Notes that she have already used some strategies to ease the symptoms, how to occupy your hands with some activity and use of headscarves, but was not successful. Was diagnosed with trichotillomania associated with depression. Started treatment with fluoxetine 20 mg / day; Carbolythium 600 mg / day and 1 mg Alprazolam / day. In her first return shet reports clinical improvement with a decrease in the intensity of the impulse and got back to work. Showed slight tremors of the extremities in the first week, that had already improved, and visible increase in capillary volume. However in the second return, the patient had a worsening adopting Fluoxetine 40 mg/day; Carbolythium maintained Rispe- ridone 2 mg/day and 2 mg Clonazepam at night. She is currently stable with improvement of the symptoms. Final remarks: Different theories point the need to understand the etiology of the Tricolo- mania behavior as multifactorial. Nevertheless, additional research needs to be conducted to evaluate the relative efficacy of pharma- cological and behavioral treatments, in addition to their association. 58 Use Of Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump (IABP) In Patient With Car- diogenic Shock Francisco Alves Vieira De Sá Júnior; Francisca Jessyane Dos Santos Sá; Daniel Santos Rocha Sobral Filho; Alice Ribeiro Feitosa Da Silva; Filipe Aquino Costa; Luiz Otávio De Góes. Introduction: Cardiac assist devices are widely used to treat cardioge- nic shock which, in most cases, is the result of myocardial infarction, cardiac dysrhythmia and acute myocarditis. One of these devices is the intra-aortic balloon pump (IABP), which increases coronary blood flow, providing better blood irrigation, cardiac muscle contraction and cerebral blood flow. The purpose of this report is to describe the clinical logistics, presenting the significance of the IABP in con- trolling cardiogenic shock and supporting optimization of medicinal therapy for congestive heart failure (CHF). Case report: A.G.H.O. is a 65-year-old woman previously diagnosed with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dysrhythmia and history of heart disease (decompensated CHF caused by dilated cardiomyopathy and mitral insufficiency). She presented episodes of respiratory difficulty (dyspnea) when under exertion and reaching paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea later at rest. She developed decompensated heart failure characterised by car- diogenic shock followed by renal failure owing to perfusion deficit. Vasoactives were administered in order to try to normalise pressure and contractility. With the prediction of better results and due to the evolution of the patient's condition, which was still serious, it was opted for the placement of IABP, which through the process of counterpulsation, suffers inflations in diastolic periods, redirecting the blood flow to the coronary arteries. Access to the instalation of the IABP occurred by the right femoral artery, not being reported any complications. The patient showed improvement in metabolic acid-base balance and CVP (Central Venous Pressure). With the wea- ning from medications (dobutamine and norepinephrine) the opti- mization of the drugs for CHF, the close monitoring of vascular and renal functions, the improved levels of consciousness and signs of clinical metabolic and hemodynamic stability, it was decided for the removal of the IABP on the tenth day. After the weaning from IABP, the patient maintained metabolic and hemodynamic stability. Final considerations: The IABP is a rather effective circulatory support in treating cardiovascular disorders, especially in cardiogenic shock, as it contributes decisively in the reversal of severe hypotension of the blood flow. This report confirms the importance of the IABP in medical practice. 59 Bipolar Affective Disorder Associated With Mental Retarda- tion And Bizarre Behavior Máximo Peixoto Rocha Neto; Clara Maria Barbosa; José Lucas Talles Ferreira Luz; Anna Alzira Macau Furtado Ferreira, Luiz Euripedes Mondes Santana Lemos; Krieger Rhelyni De Sousa Olinda. Introduction: Bipolar Affective Disorder (BAD) is a disease related to mood or affect and it is characterized by mood disorders, with depressive and manic episodes throughout life. The TAB may be as- sociated with other disorders such as mental retardation in which there is a global impairment of cognitive, language and motor skills and social behavior. However the presence of bizarre behavior was unusual in this disorder, complicating the diagnosis and treatment. Case report: A 23 years old female with a history of a retarded psychomotor development started to show symptoms at age 15 been aggressive, impulsive and restless. Had strange behaviors like going to school with wet uniform and use several bags at once (all of them full of pamphlets, spoiled food, garbage and many condoms). Moreover when she chose an outfit, pulls out all the clothes closet throwing them on the floor. Referring insomnia waking up around midnight to wash her hair and at four in the morning to clean the house. Started performing overspending, stealing and present pro- miscuous behavior. In family parties, ate compulsively, primitively and created friction with family. Looked for the ambulatory of Areo- lino Abreu hospital where she was diagnosed with bipolar affective disorder associated with Mild Mental Retardation with the presence of Bizarre Behavior, which in the case of an unusual presentation to TAB difficult and slowed the appropriate clinical conduct. At the first consultation was restless, with increased volume of speech, irritable mood, impulsive, decreased need for sleep, childish behavior and lack of sense of social standards being treated with Valproic Acid, Clonazepam and Quetiapine. During treatment showed instability of the frame with periods of improvement of the sleep patterns and mood interspersed with refusing medication and running away from home.She is currently medicated and stable. Final remarks: The presence of Bizarre Behavior associated with TAB despite unusual should be considered since it helps in establishing the early diag- nosis that leads improvement in the evolution of the framework besides a gain in quality of life of the patient. Abstracts of International Congress for Medical Students and Young Health Professionals (MEDICALIS) 01 02 Soft And Hard Tissue Reconstruction Of Oral And Maxillofacial Structures. The Way We Do. Assoc. Prof. Horatiu Rotaru, MD PhD Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease In Clinical Practice: Today And Tomorrow Assist. Professor Ludovico Abenavoli MD PhD 03 Targeted Therapies In Oncology And Hematology Prof. Spiro Mihaylov Konstantinov MD PhD 04 Telocytes: Current knowledges And Perspectives Assist. Prof. Dragos Cretoiu MD PhD 05 06 07 08 09 The Battle For Life: Legal And Ethical Aspects Of Organ Dona- tion And Transplantation Assist. Prof. Maria Aluas MD PhD A Positive View Of Dying Tim Patten MD PhD, Katy Daniels MD PhD, Anthony Clarke MD PhD, Valerie Rowe MD PhD and Mr. Robert Rowe Thoracic Trauma Zul Mirza MD PhD Metabolic Alterations And Their Association With The External And Internal Exposome Assist. Prof. Makris Konstantionos MD PhD Correctional Medicine: International Challenges and Trends in 21 Century John May MD PhD INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS 16th Medicalis • 2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1 . 2015 Vol 3 Suppl 1 INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MEDICAL STUDENTS S57
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