Investor Presentaiton
Scope of interventions as per existing provisions and scales
City: open spaces-
parks and water
bodies, Road
Zone level
(Planning and
designing stage)
Site level
(Designing stage)
Existing documents/provisions
-Master Plans (20 years)
-City development plan (5 years)
-City Sanitation Plan
-Zonal Plan
Water bodies, parks, recreational areas, green areas,
public, and transport. Proposed location for BMPs
Planning stage
-Storm water management including
water bodies
-Urban local bodies (ULB) schemes and
sanitation schemes
-Detailed project reports (DPRs) for
Water Supply, Storm water Drainage
Site plan- Guided by byelaws
The location of parking lots, roads, parks, open space
blocks and storm water management facilities defined in
planning documents can be used for environmental
services through WSUDP measures. Establishing a
template for the more detailed resolution of the design
of water sensitive facilities.
Site-specific opportunities are identified to integrate
water conservation and onsite water sensitive facilities
into all of the components of a development including
water efficient fittings, sustainable landscaping,
Rainwater harvestingView entire presentation