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Investors' Presentation

Core Opex per avg. MW +1% YoY and Adjusted -3% YoY EBITDA of €917m due to top line & lower capital gains YoY Core Opex/avg. MW (€k) EBITDA (€ million) edp renewables +1% -3% adjusted (1) 31.1 31.4 9M20 9M21 -15% 1,074 -9% adjusted(2) EBITDA per region 917 RoE 17% Brazil 3% Portugal 15% €917m Spain 13% North America 52% 9M20 9M21 As a result of O&M strategy and despite upfront scale up to cope with accelerated growth Main drivers -€68m YOY -€49m YOY Revenues Capital gains 12 1. 2. Adjusted by Sell-down, offshore costs (mainly cross-charged to projects' SPVs), service fees and one-offs Adjusted by Forex and one-off items 39
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