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Investor Presentaiton

8 WE HAVE A CLEAR STRATEGIC AMBITION WHY WE ARE HERE To serve customers well and help our communities prosper WHO WE ARE HERE FOR Colleagues Trusted professionals that are proud to be a part of NAB WHAT WE WILL BE KNOWN FOR nab bnz UBANK JBWere Customers Choose NAB because we serve them well every day Relationship-led Relationships are our strength 1. Exceptional bankers 2. Unrivalled customer value (expertise, data and analytics) 3. Truly personalised experiences Easy Simple to deal with 1. Simple products and experiences 2. Seamless everything just works 3. Fast and decisive Safe Responsible & secure business 1. Strong balance sheet 2. Leading, resilient technology and operations 3. Pre-empting risk and managing it responsibly Long-term A sustainable approach 1. Commercial responses to society's biggest challenges 2. Resilient and sustainable business practices 3. Innovating for the future WHERE WE WILL GROW Business & Private Clear market leadership HOW WE WORK Corporate & Institutional Disciplined growth Excellence for customers Personal Simple & digital Grow together Be Own it respectful BNZ Grow in Personal & SME MEASURES FOR SUCCESS Engagement NPS growth UBank New customer acquisition 吧 Cash EPS growth % ROE National Australia Bank
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