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Investor Presentaiton

GOALS, OBJECTIVES, STRATEGIES & MEASURES GOAL 2: INFORMATION, ACCESS, AND COORDINATION SERVICES Bolster awareness of and increase access to quality, person-centered information, services and supports COMMUNICATION, REFERRAL, INFORMATION, AND ASSISTANCE (CRIA) AND CARE COORDINATION SERVICES Objective Strategies Offer person-centered information, referral, and care coordination services Measures • . • . • . Ensure all AAAS offer CRIA and care coordination services to older adults Provide up-to-date, accurate, and unbiased information about availa- ble resources to older adults, including those in underserved areas Deliver CRIA in a manner that is culturally and linguistically appropriate regardless of ethnicity, race, gender, or gender identity, disability, reli- gion, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status Increase awareness about the care coordination service offerings (Title III-B Care Coordination, Service Coordination Level 1 and Level 2, SOS, OC, and Care Transitions) available through the aging network Connect individuals to Medicaid LTSS or other HCBS programs, if ap- propriate Promote person-centeredness and inclusiveness in professional ap- proaches to older adults and caregivers Provide person-centered training, technical assistance, and monitoring to ensure the quality of services Verify staff providing CRIA and care coordination services have the re- quired qualifications . Number of individuals who receive CRIA - annually Number of individuals participating in care coordination services - annually 60 60
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