2021 Investor Day
Proactive care to capture significant underpenetrated markets
Chronic disease is the largest driver of healthcare spending in developed economies
Sleep apnea
Leading indicator, and a contributing
factor, to many chronic illnesses
More than 80% undiagnosed
Demonstrated positive dose-response
relationship between CPAP usage and
lower healthcare costs
Largely undiagnosed COPD sufferers in
high-growth markets such as China, India,
Brazil, and E. Europe >100M
Acute treatment costs to healthcare
systems are large
Europe: €48B per year
U.S.: ~$50B per year
More than 3M people worldwide die each
year due to COPD
Significant opportunity to improve
adherence and improve patient-physician
Leveraging Propeller for increased data
related to symptom occurrence and acute
Opportunity to partner with patients,
providers, pharmaceutical companies, and
payors to drive improved quality of life
936M sleep apnea patients
Total addressable market
380M COPD patients
330M asthma patients
Well-positioned to expand proactive treatment of chronic diseases
1World Health Organization. The top 10 causes of death: Fact sheet: No310 (2014, May) accessed 20Jul16 2 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26755942 3 Company estimates based on World Health Organization estimates and Zhong et al. "Prevalence of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in China"
Respiratory and Critical Care 4 European Respiratory Society, European Lung White Book http://www.erswhitebook.org/chapters/the-economic-burden-of-lung-disease/accessed 20 Jul16 5 Guarascio et al. Dove Med Press, 2013 Jun 17 6 World Health Organization. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD):
Fact sheet No315. 2015 accessed 20Jul16
© 2021 ResMed | 2021 Investor Day – Sept 8, 2021
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