Strategy to Drive Stockholder Value slide image

Strategy to Drive Stockholder Value

Term Life Income Growth Dynamics ■ Reinsurance transactions with Citi at time of the IPO continue to positively impact year-over-year growth 11% growth in adjusted direct premiums year- to-date 2015 Expect approximately 10% growth in adjusted direct premiums (1) annually for the next several years Expect Term Life operating income before income taxes to grow by at least 5% per year, and more likely by as much as 8-10% per year for several years, even if sales are flat Upside potential with growth in life policies issued Direct Premium Conceptual Illustration of Adjusted Direct Premiums(1) Growth by Issue Year (IY) IY 2017 IY 2016 DIY 2015 11% 13% DIY 2014 17% 25% DIY 2013 IY 2012 IY 2011 IY 2010 Legacy 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Issued Term Life Policies (000s) 221.0 214.6 ■Q4 52.6 56.9 123.8 Q3 54.0 55.1 Q2 68.1 ■ Stable recurring income with little impact from market fluctuations 57.6 59.6 Q1 50.4 49.3 55.7 2013 2014 2015 (1) Adjusted direct premiums - direct premiums net of premiums ceded to Citi PRIMERICA® 12
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