Investor Presentaiton
Free Trade Zones & Nigeria Tax Regime
Counting the Cost
- "30 Silver Coins" Paradox: has Government given away too
much? Cf. NLNG Tax Incentives Act/NNDC Levy/Udoma
Committee on Review of Concessions & Waivers.
Preliminary issue: meaningful analysis difficult - absence of
accurate, current data on monetary value of FTZ incentives
since inception, vis a vis impact of FTZs on local and
national economy.
Difficult to see how NEPZA can perform duty (in s. 4(g)) -
"recommendation to the Federal Government of additional
incentive measures for the Zones" - without scientific data to
evaluative adequacy or otherwise of incentives.
Internal and external studies are both necessary. NEPZA
still largely "civil service", e.g. on access to information.
cf. Costa Rica: Cost-Benefit Analysis of the FTZ System: The
Impact of FDI in Costa Rica (2005 Study - OAS Trade,
Growth & Competitiveness Studies) done for Foreign
Trade Corporation of Costa Rica.
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