Third Quarter 2022 Results slide image

Third Quarter 2022 Results

IPS Insurance - 9M22 €m Insurance Revenues Operating Expenses and Dep. Gross Operating Income 3Q22 3Q21 3Q22 / 2Q22 3Q22 / 9M22 9M21 9M22 / 3Q21 2Q22 9M21 658 613 +7.2% 787 -16.5% 2,166 2,171 -0.3% -391 -376 +4.0% -396 -1.2% -1,171 -1,126 +4.0% 267 237 +12.3% 391 -31.8% 995 1,046 -4.8% Cost of Risk 0 0 -34.0% -1 -67.6% -1 -1 +89.7% Operating Income 266 237 +12.4% 390 -31.8% 993 1,045 -4.9% Share of Earnings of Equity-Method Entities 31 -2 n.s. 48 -35.1% 115 56 n.s. Other Non Operating Items -1 -4 -67.2% 14 n.s. 14 -4 n.s. Pre-Tax Income 296 231 +28.4% 453 -34.6% 1,122 1,097 +2.3% Cost/Income Allocated Equity (Єbn, year to date) 59.5% 61.3% -1.8 pt 50.3% +9.2 pt 54.1% 51.8% +2.3 pt 7.1 9.2 -23.0% Technical reserves: -1.2% vs. 9M21 Revenues: -0.3% vs. 9M21 Overall increase in Savings and Protection revenues Decrease in financial result, due to the greater market decrease and despite the increase in capital gains Operating expenses: +4.0% vs. 9M22, driven by support for business development and ongoing targeted projects Pre-tax income: +2.3% vs. 9M22, increase in the contribution of associates and capital gains on the sale of businesses in 2Q22 BNP PARIBAS The bank for a changing world Third quarter 2022 results | 72
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