Aptiv Overview slide image

Aptiv Overview

Financial Performance Drives Value Creation ROBUST REVENUE AND EARNINGS RELATIVE TO PEERS DRIVES CONSISTENT OUTPERFORMANCE GROWTH Revenue, IHS Production 2015 2016 2017 Aptiv | 132 2018 Peers² | 115 Production | 101 2019 EBITDA Adjusted EBITDA¹ 2015 2016 2017 2018 Aptiv | 142 Peers² | 100 2019 TSR 2015-20193 1-Year (2019) 3-Year (2017-19) 5-Year (2015-19) 1. Adjusted EBITDA excludes automated driving investments which were transferred into Aptiv / Hyundai Autonomous Driving Joint Venture on March 26, 2020; Excludes restructuring, stranded and other costs related to accounting treatment for Discontinued Operations (DO) and other special items 2. Peer group includes: CON, DENSO, LEA, MGA, VALEO, VC 3. Growth, Income, and Total Shareholder Return data sourced from Capital IQ 22 Aptiv Equity Roadshow S&P 500 Peers² APTV S&P 500 S&P 500 29% Peers² APTV 12% Peers² 10% APTV 44% 56% 15% 57% 75% 67% •APTIV.
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